Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Book Review

The Pirate of Panther Bay

In this story, the captain of the Marée Rouge is an eighteen-year-old woman who takes a young Spanish noble prisoner six months after her lover has been murdered.
Because of this lovelorn central character the book sometimes seems more romantic novel than adventure yarn, but the author puts plenty of zip into the action sequences. Here he masterfully captures a sword fight, building tension it seems hard to believe possible short of seeing it on a huge movie screen
There's fine description plus conspiracies and colorful characters galore, but what I liked best was the irony of the story. In the first half Isabella, herself a former Creole slave, holds the young Spanish man prisoner. In the following fifty pages she becomes his prisoner, exploring some interesting psychological implications about control in male female relationships. We are at sea, literally and figuratively, and like the green waves, this adventure tale suggests multiple depths. But not to worry, there is also the requisite, rousing pirate-finale. Will Isabella fulfill her mother's strange prophecy? Will the two enemies somehow unite? And what about the infamous Yellow Jacket? "
Its a great book for anybody who likes reading about a pirate and particularly a unique one (I mean, have you ever heard of a female pirate captain?). I believe most people who enjoy this book, I sure did.

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